HOPE FOR JAPAN あなたの力が希望になります。


現在の募金状況:124,463,348 JPY



この未曾有の大災害を前に、mudefはHOPE FOR JAPANを立ち上げ、被災地の復興支援活動をスタートしました。

その後もHOPE FOR JAPANでは、日本各地で起こる災害に対してmudefができる支援を展開しています。





At 2:46 p.m. on March 11, 2011, Japan was hit by a massive earthquake, originating in the Sanriku, Tohoku area.

The 9.0-magnitude earthquake, which was the strongest in the history of Japan.

It claimed many lives and caused massive destruction.

We, mudef started HOPE FOR JAPAN and carried out reconstruction support for the affected area of the Great East Japan earthquake.

After that, mudef continue HOPE FOR JAPAN support activities with the power of music and design for the suffers of natural disasters.

We must do what we can do.

We need your hands, voices and support from people across the world.

News from mudef

Donation for "HOPE FOR JAPAN"

Message for "HOPE FOR JAPAN" from all over the world