パートナー団体活動状況(6)あしなが育英会 Report of partner organization’s activities (6): Ashinaga Ikuei Kai

HOPE FOR JAPANのパートナー団体である「あしなが育英会」の活動状況を紹介します。

This article introduces the activities of Ashinaga Ikuei Kai, one of HOPE FOR JAPAN’s partner organizations, which operates in the disaster stricken areas. .



未就学児 10万円
小中学生 20万円
高校生 30万円
大学・専門学校・大学院生 40万円


就学前 70人
小学生 166人
中学生 123人
高校生 141人
大学生・専門学校生 117人
不明 1人
合計 618人

[Special temporary benefits for orphaned children by the the Great East Japan Earthquake]
Ashinaga Ikuei Kai decided to supply the “special temporary benefits”for the children from 0 years old to graduate students who lost their parent by the Great East Japan Earthquake.

The amount of the benefits is as follow;

preschool children 100,000yen
elementary and junior high school students 200,000yen
high school students 300,000yen
university, vocational school andgraduate students 400,000yen

*Repayment not needed for the benefits above

Number of the children who apply for the “special temporary benefits” (as of May 2nd )

Number of the children who apply for the “special temporary benefits” is as follow;

preschool 70
elementary school 166
junior high school 123
high school 141
university , vocational school 117
age unavailable 1
total 618

●東北事務所開設 地震・津波遺児を長期的支援へ 震災から2年以内に仙台に「東北レインボーハウス」の設置を計画



[Opened the Tohoku office for middle-to-long term assistance and planning to establish “Tohoku rainbow house” in Sendai within 2 years]

Ashinaga Ikuei kai opened its Tohoku Office in Sendai. This became the base to provide middle-to-long term assistance to children who lost their parent by the Earthquake and the following Tsunami. The opening ceremony was held on April 11, 2011  and a lot of orphaned children by Han‐Shin Awaji Earthquake and students from overseas who were orphaned by Asian tsunami in 2004 joined this ceremony.


*For more information on the activities of Ashinaga Ikuei kai, see http://www.ashinaga.org/

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