HOPE FOR JAPANでは、「音楽を通じた被災地支援を」との思いのもと、被災された方たちが和太鼓の演奏を通して、被災地から日本へ、世界へ、メッセージを送るお手伝いをしました。

※同事業はHOPE FOR JAPANパートナー団体であしなが育英会の協力を得て実施されています。


そんな彼らに発表する場を提供するこtを通じて、震災からの早期復興等を祈念することを目的に、GLAY EXPO 2014 TOHOKU 20th Anniversaryに合計111人の太鼓奏者が出演、演奏を披露する機会を得ました。参加者は111人の中には太鼓の経験者だけではなく、今回初めて太鼓に触る、という人も。小学生から大人まで、太鼓を通じてメッセージを送りたいと願う人々が参加してくれました。

本番までに2回の合同練習を経て、演奏する楽曲を何度も練習しました。本番となったのは、9月20日(土)、東北・ひとめぼれスタジアム宮城。10年振りとなるGLAY EXPOには、大規模野外ライブとして東北史上最多となる5万5000人が来場。たくさんの観客の前で、太鼓チームは一糸乱れない演奏を披露することができました。





Tohoku, where is known as a repository of ffolklore tale, is also famous for as traditional performing arts such local folk songs and unique music instruments. However, the Great East Japan Earthquake destroyed their opportunity to get together and enjoy playing the music instruments. That’s why mudef decided to organize the project to give 111 earthquake survivors the place to perform music instruments at GLAY EXPO 2014 TOHOKU 20th Anniversary.

111 participants are consisted of the public selected from among applicants of disaster area. Someone have never played the taiko so far, and others have played it for long. 111 participants wanted to send message through this event. They did joint practice twice and practiced the songs many times.

GLAY EXPO was hold in TOHOKU・HITOMEBORE stadium Miyagi on September 20th. GLAY EXPO was hold in 10 years, and this event became the biggest number of 55000 people was in outdoor stage in Tohoku. Taiko team played taiko perfectly in front of much audience.

mudef donated music instruments to firefighters band and school in Ishinomaki through our hope “what we can do through music” as the Great East Earthquake support project. Environment that people can enjoy music is one step to peace.

We would like to do some activities through music with his hope from now.

Past Activities:

Presented music instruments for school :
Presented music instruments for firefighter band:

News from mudef

Donation for "HOPE FOR JAPAN"

Message for "HOPE FOR JAPAN" from all over the world