HOPE FOR JAPAN presents 「東北復興支援合唱コンクール2013」開催します / Event information: HOPE FOR JAPAN Presents Choir Competition in Sendai 2013

このコメントに心を動かされたMISIAは、「子どもたちが音楽を触れ、楽しむことができる場所を」そんな想いから、東日本大震災支援活動「HOPE FOR JAPAN」を通じて合唱イベントを行うこととなりました。

Japan is one of the countries in which singing in a choir group is most appreciated. However, group singing has become difficult both physically and mentally since the Great East Japan Earthquake, especially in Miyagi, Iwate, and Fukushima prefectures.

“We would like an opportunity to present what we’ve accomplished” says the choir member that mudef has met through the support activities after the earthquake.

MISIA was moved by this comment and thought we should provide an opportunity for the children to play and enjoy music. Thus, we decided to hold a chorus event through HOPE FOR JAPAN project, our support program for the Great East Japan Earthquake.

We will give you update on this event soon!

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