パートナー団体活動報告(1)特定非営利活動法人ジェン Report from the partner organization (1): JEN

HOPE FOR JAPANのパートナー団体である、現地で緊急救援活動を展開する特定非営利活動法人ジェンより、活動報告が届きました。


JEN, one of HOPE FOR JAPAN’s partner organizations, sent report to us about the situation in the disaster stricken area and their support operation.

JEN has carried out distribution of supplies and hot meals in Sendai city, Miyagi Prefecture and Iwaki City, Fukushima Prefecture drawing on their considerable experience in emergency relief and assistance to refugee and displaced persons. JEN is going to conduct middle-to-long term assistance including psychological care. The operation will be centered in the areas such as Minami Sanrikucho and Ishimaki City that are most devastated but with insufficient support.

宮城県石巻市で地元の方へ被害状況とニーズの個別聞きとりを実施。Carrying out interviews to check on the damage and find out the needs in Ishimaki City, Miyagi Prefecture.


宮城県石巻市で衣料物資の配布 Distributing clothes in Ishimaki City, Miyagi Prefecture

 避難所となった宮城県石巻市の小学校で配布と並行してニーズの聞き取り調査を実施。 Researching people’s needs at shelters at the elementary school in Ishimaki City, Miyagi Prefecture while carrying out the distribution of supplies.

写真クレジット:特定非営利活動法人ジェン (Photograph credit: JEN)


*JENでは週替わりで緊急支援物資を集めています。詳しくはこちら→ http://www.jen-npo.org/

*For the detail of JEN’s activities, see  http://jenhp.cocolog-nifty.com/emergency/cat22624968/index.html

*JEN is collecting supplies from the public. The list of items collected is revised on the weekly basis. For more information, see http://www.jen-npo.org/

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