MISIA復興応援ソング「明日へ」 A Message Song “Toward Tomorrow” from MISIA to encourage recovery


同曲は東京NHKホールで行われたライヴを収録、ライヴ音源を配信限定で4月27日にリリースします。売上金の一部が、mudefに寄付され、HOPE FOR JAPANを通じて被災者支援に充てられます。

同じこの空の下 共に向かって行こう   「明日へ」

MISIA has released a message song titled “Toward Tomorrow”, which has been written by her to encourage the recovery and reconstruction of the areas stricken by the Great East Japan Earthquake.

The song has been recorded during her live concert at Tokyo NHK Hall. It will be released through a limited distribution on April 27, 2011, using the sound source recorded at her live concert. Part of the sales will be donated to mudef and will be used to support the people in disaster-stricken areas through HOPE FOR JAPAN.

Under this same sky, let’s move ahead together “toward tomorrow”



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