デイヴィッド・フォスター様がHOPE FOR JAPANへメッセージ Message from David Foster

マイケル・ジャクソン、マドンナ、ホイットニー・ヒューストンなど数々のヒットソングを手掛けた世界的音楽プロデューサー、デイヴィッド・フォスター様より「HOPE FOR JAPAN」に向けた、メッセージをいただきました。

David Foster, American music producer sends out his message for 'HOPE FOR JAPAN'.

日本の皆様へ このような厳しく大変な時期に、我々の応援と愛の気持ちをお伝えしたいと思います。







Dear people of Japan-

During this tumultuous and difficult time, for the people of Japan

- we would like to extend our love and support.We are in complete sadness and sorrow for all the people who suffered and effected by this unbelievable disaster.It is times as such, difficult and uncertain, that tests human beings strength and ability to show love to one another, that brings us together as one.  We are one with you today, standing strong and embracing your people and extraordinary spirit! Japanese people hav e been amazing to me and my artists over the years - your kindness and hospitality is admirable. We sing a song of love and prayer- a song of strength and embrace, a song of support to Japan.

Yours dearly,
David Foster.

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