仮設住宅集会所でカラオケセットが活躍 / Karaoke machines help community activities
HOPE FOR JAPANから7月10日に石巻で実施したイベントの際に、地元の方へ寄付をしたカラオケセットの、その後の鹿妻地区での活用シーンのご報告をいただきました。



mudef received the good news that a set of karaoke machines which we donated to community café through an emergency NGO JEN on 10 July are used at the community café located in Kazuma-area, Ishinomaki City, Miyagi Prefecture.
Karaoke machines are used actively at the café in temporary house area.
People in temporary compounds enjoy karaoke - often duet and dancing starts.
They say that they let out a big noised after a long interval, it is good for their health.