HOPE FOR JAPAN募金状況(5月16日現在)The total sum of donation as of March 1, 2012
2012年5月16日現在、mudefに寄せられたHOPE FOR JAPANへの募金総額は、以下の通りです。
皆さまからの募金は、現地で被災者の支援活動に当たられている以下のパートナー団体へ寄付されるほか、HOPE FOR JAPAN独自の支援活動に使われます。
宮城県南三陸町を中心に物資輸送や大工などの専門家派遣をする「公益社団法人Civic Force(緊急即応チーム)」
The total sum of donation sent to HOPE FOR JAPAN is 83,953,959JPY as of May 16, 2012.
The donation is to be channeled to 6 organizations that are conducting emergency assistance in the afflicted area. Below is the list of recipient of the donation through HOPE FOR JAPAN.
Ashinaga - Provides specified lump-sum payment and mental care to children aged 0 to 22(student only) who lost their parent from the Great Tohoku earthquake.
The Association of Medical Doctors of Asia (AMDA) - Operating traveling clinic in Sendai in Miyagi Pref., Kamaishi in Iwate Pref. and Otsuchi in Kamihei County.
Medecins Sans Frontieres Japan - Offering medical care for chronic diseases to elderly people in the shelter.
JEN - Providing supplies and hot meals. The operation is centered in Ishinomaki-city of Miyagi Pref.
Civic Force - Providing supplies and dispatching experts like carpenters. The operation is centered in Kesennuma, Miyagi Pref.
Peace Winds Japan - Distributing emergency supplies in Kesennuma and Minami-sanriku cho in Miyagi Pref. and Rikuzentakada in Iwate Pref.
For inquiries about donation, contact us.